On Sunday Adrienne and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert. It was originally scheduled for last weekend, but Rascal Flatts got sick so they had to reschedule. Last weekend was in the 80's and sunny. This weekend was rainy and cold. But we decided to embrace it! It was one amazing concert. Although there was a time when I am not sure if I was enjoying the concert more or the people around us. We had tickets for the lawn, so when they opened the seating I told Adrienne to run and go get us a seat. We had great seats. We were the second people back, and we were surrounded by some of the most amazing people ever! There were 2 couples in front of us who we later bonded with. Then there was an older couple who came and sat to the right of us on the wall-ish thing. Then there was a drunk couple to the left of us (stories of them to come). And of course there were the people behind us smoking weed and drinking. Oh, and we are pretty sure the girl was pregnant.
This is what we smuggled our wine into the concert in
We were pretty excited about it.
I was pretty darn excited for the concert!
We do love our wine!
Okay, so some stories of our night. So part way through Sara Evans, the second opening act, this really drunk girl comes sliding down the grass trying to get away from the guy she was with. Somehow ends up on the edge of our blanket after tripping over my feet and landing on the couples in front of us. The guy she was trying to get away from decides to sit down and start arguing with said girl. Did I mention she was VERY drunk? Oh, and had mascara all over her face from crying. I tried to listen in to their conversation, although most of it was jibberish. Something about he left her somewhere, she is drunk, he was very sorry, and they both ended up crying. Although halfway through this cry fest, she decided she wanted to enjoy the concert. So she starts singing along meanwhile his head is in his lap and he has tears running down his face. We were all trying really hard not to laugh out loud at them, we didn't succeed. But we did offer her a tissue. They thankfully left before Rascal Flatts came on. Their arguing was getting a bit distracting.
So story number two. The drunk couple to the left. He was stinking hilarious. She was turning red with embarrassment, so we became friends. At one point he dropped his phone on the face of the guy laying down in front of him. I don't think anyone enjoyed the concert more than he did. Said couple comes into play in later on. So there were these girls who thought they were all that. They kept creeping in on our space. Eventually so much so that they 2 couples in front of us left. So we move up to the railing. Well so do the pushy girls who think they are all that. So we use our new found friends to our advantage. They are pushing us girls out of the way, so we put drunk guy next to them to push them back a little. Um hello, we had been there the entire time. So one of the girls starts yelling at us. Something about him pushing girls. Regardless of the fact that we had been there the entire time. There were a few choice words I am choosing to leave out. Anyways, she calls security. Yes, she was that mature. So security comes up to the poor guy who really just wants to enjoy the concert (and of course his alcohol) and starts harassing him. So we politely told security (there is no sarcasm in that statement- I didn't want to get kicked out) that we had been there the entire time and that it was the girls who were pushing. It pays to be polite and make friends because everyone around us agreed and said pushy girls left. It was quite the night. And quite the spectacle. Somewhere in the midst of this action by the way, my jacket was stolen. Luckily it was one Kim bought in college and not a new one or anything, but I mean seriously. Of the wallets, cameras, cell phones, and what not laying around, you choose to steal and old brown coat with fur on the hood? Seriously? Well, rest in peace jacket, you served the Ortiz family well. Let's just say Anna wasn't very happy when I told her. Oh well, it was a great night. One to go down in the books!