Friday, June 11, 2010


One of my favorite things to do is bake!

I wish I had more time. And that I didn't get yelled at every time I made something. But I push on and bake whenever I have a chance or a reason.

Recently I found a cake cookie recipe. I absolutely love it. So far I have made chocolate cookies and lemon cookies. The lemon ones were amazing! And I put a raspberry in the middle, and they looked soo cute! Not to mention, they were sooo good!

I also wish I had a camera to take pictures of the stuff I bake. Then this would be more interesting. Someday!

1 comment:

Kimberlee said...

Rachel- I totally made these same cookies the other night!! I only had yellow cake sitting around so I used that but I'm going to be using some coupons to stock up on other flavors now that I have something yummy to make with them!

Oh and thanks for letting me in on the deal with Starbucks, I didn't know that and don't go there often but I will do anything for discounts!