Saturday, June 12, 2010

So today I experienced my first World Cup game. I don't know what I really expected, but it blew all of my preconceived notions out of the water. I stood there for 3 hours laughing to myself about what I had gotten myself into.

I should have known it was going to be quite the experience when we were pulling up to the pub and had to park on a side street and walk to get to the pub. And the fact that there were a bunch of people standing outside. But no, I didn't pick it up from that. So I went on, and we entered the pub. There was about a 10 foot walk way to where the host station is supposed to be, and from there on out, a sea of people.

My view to the left

My view to the right (there was also two other rooms behind us that looked similar)

A sea of beer to go along with those people. And what happens when you drink too much of any kind of liquid? You have to go to the bathroom? And I swear, every person in there had to go at least twice. And each and every one of those people somehow managed to step on my feet. Lesson of the day, do not wear flip flops to a crowded bar! Not only was there a ridiculous amount of beer spilled down my legs and on my feet, my toes were numb by the end of the morning.

But putting that all aside, it was a great experience. There were people decked out in some very interesting get-ups, some very loud cheering and chanting, and a passion for a sport I have never experienced. I can see why their fans are so dedicated. It is just fun. Although I still do not understand all the rules and what not, it was a really good game. And I met a lot of very interesting people. The poor man behind me that I kept getting shoved into kindly pointed out (since he could tell I was not a die hard fan, simply by the way I was dressed) that he bets I never thought I would meet so many new friends in one morning. And that is very very true. I thought we would be sitting at a table, not smashed in a mosh pit type bar area, eating breakfast, not having beer spilled down my legs, and having some nice conversations, not losing my hearing because the fans are quite loud. It is to say the least, a memory I will never forget.

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