We are back at the internet cafe. They play worship music in English here. We normally are singing along. They must think we are a tad crazy. We do enjoy coming here though.
We have been quite busy with all of the kids, but it is such a blessing and a joy to us. We love spending time with them. And they are all so grateful. Today at VBS, we gave them each a Starburst (as in singular), and they loved that so much. We need to go to the store today or tomorrow because we are running out of snacks for the kids.
We also got to play soccer for the first time today. It is sufficient to say that soccer is not my calling in life. I squealed more than I actually kicked the ball. But it was fun, and the kids love having a soccer ball to play with. Normally they play with an empty bottle of some sort. It is quite humbling.
On Sunday we went to our first church service here. Well, we actually went to 2! It made for a very long sweaty day. The first service was in the morning at Leogane. We did childrens' service in a tent. I have never sweat more in my life. It literally was a sauna in there. So imagine going to a sauna and trying to dance. But not only trying to dance, but having children hang on you the entire time. It is safe to say that any pictures of us girls there will be sweat rolling off of us. We have taken to cutting our t-shirts. Having anything tight around your neck or arms only amplifies how hot it is. Each night as we are laying out our clothes for the next day, we are cutting the necks and sleeves off as well.
Which brings me to showering. We have been so blessed to have our own bathroom, complete with a shower. But I swear we shower at night and 10 minutes later, we smell again. But it has been nice to be able to wash the dirt off of us before we crawl into bed.
Each of us has been trying to learn some Creole/French! It is quite difficult to understand and even pronounce. But they keep insisting that we are "muy intelligente. I have each of the kids write their names in my journal so that I can pronounce them better." I also try to have some phrases written out so that I can practice in our spare time.
Some things looking back that would have been smart to bring: a wash cloth for wiping the sweat off of your face (dark colored), febreeze (then maybe we wouldn't smell so bad all the time), ant repellent, and extra toilet paper. I am sure I will add to this list as the time goes on!
Speaking of which, we were sitting in a church service last night, and Adrienne had May (pronounced My) sitting on her lap. May must be 2 at the oldest. She is the cutest little girl. But anyways, so we are sitting there, an Adrienne is giving her something to drink, when all of a sudden Adrienne looks at me and goes "she is peeing!" I was in shock to say the least. Which quickly followed by laughing. It didn't help that Adrienne spilled the water she was trying to give to May. The horrified looks Adrienne got on her way out of the service were pretty entertaining. That is definitely a story that will live down in history.
Each morning we open VBS with some of the worships songs from Rockharbor's childrens ministry. Some of their favorites are Big God Story, I Am A Chosen Child of God, I'm Gunna Walk, and today we introduced them to Spin. Trying to dance in this heat is hard enough, try doing it with 5 children hanging on your arms. The videos are quite entertaining, and I can't wait to share them with you all once we get back. I believe I also mentioned in my last post that the kids LOVE the World Cup soundtrack! We could play Waka Waka and WaveYour Flag over and over, and the kids would never get tired of them!
Another fun memory we will all take with us was being woken up at 2:30 am to a worship service. Rachel Lermusik quickly pointed out "How many people could there possibly be at a 2:30 worship service? Was a microphone really necessary?" We all very much agreed. Rachel was the only one coherent enough at that hour to attempt to lessen the noise. She first tried shoving a towel in the window (that didn't even close to work because they are not really windows that close), and then she shut the bathroom door (which did actualyl help a lot!). But neither drown out the noise enough. We were serenaded until about 4:30 in the morning. We pray before going to bed each night that there will not be any more late night/early morning worship services.
I think that about sums up as much of it as I can at this point. We have all been blessed beyond belief. The kids are so wonderful and loving. And the adults have been so kind to us. They love to greet us with kisses on the cheeks. Sometimes if the kids haven't seen us for a while they will knock on our door, come in, kiss each of us, and leave. We are all loving our time here so much! It is hard to believe that we only have a week left!
We love you all, and thank you so much for all of your prayers. We definitly have an amazing God! Who has not ceased to amaze each and everyone of us the entire time we have been here!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update. So very happy God is blessing not only the children there but also all you girls. I miss you all very much. Love, Mom
I am so proud of you doing such wonderful work. Love to you and Anna
I am so proud of you doing such wonderful work. Love to you and Anna
You are blessing everywhere you go! And this experience will bring fond memories for a lifetime. God has a purpose for your life and I think you are realizing this in many small lives that you are touching through Christ. My prayers are with you. Love you so much...Aunt Sandi
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