Thursday, February 17, 2011

So there are some birthdays coming up. Hopefully the people who have birthdays coming up aren't reading this before they get their cards. These two are not the only cards I made, just two that I really liked. I have realized that it is harder for me to hake guy appropriate things.

And this is the picture I made for my cousin Alex who is having a little boy anytime now. His middle name is going to be Maxim, but that is what he is going by. His nursery is done in jungle theme. I might be a little biased, but I think it turned out pretty cute.

I went to Joann Fabrics this weekend and found a fabric with those animals, so I just cut them out. And I free handed all the letters for his name out of different fabrics I already had. To be honest, 4 out of the 5 are old shirts that got a stain or a hole of some sort. I love fabrics!

Sorry about the bad photo quality, I was too tired to set it up with better lighting. I love all of my crafting time that I have had!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More apartment photos

So I will save you the time of telling me to clean my room. I already know it is messy. This is the lack of organization I have going on right now. Soon I hope t get a dresser and that will help! But for now, deal with the mess.

Here is my room looking at it from the window. That is all my craft stuff that you can kind of see stacked on the far wall. The closet is to the left.

And the mess again, this time looking in from the door.

Last photo of the room. But be impressed I got all my clothes hung up and coordinated by color as well as style:: long sleeves, short sleeves, tank tops, etc.

This is the hallway looking from the living room down. My bedroom is at the far end of the hallway. Notice the rug that is "saving my carpet" according to my dad. It made me laugh. It doesn't match my colors at all, soon it will go.

And the bathroom, which has changed the least of all the rooms. Eventually I will get towels and floor mats, but for now I have an "endless pools" bath mat that I conveniently flipped over so you only see white.

And here is the kitchen looking in from the dining room. Notice my beautiful roses that Brian got me for Valentine's Day. They are so pretty. Also, you can see a few of my exciting purchases:: a spice rack on the far counter and oil and vinegar on the stove. Oh, and notice the hammer and nails Brian brought over. Someday I will get around to hanging up pictures!

And the kitchen again from the entry into the kitchen.

This is the dining room. Although I finally got a real table, the folding chairs are still being borrowed. That rug will go soon as well. I am more of a solids kind of girl.

And the living room. Someday I will get a bookshelf. Do you think I need one? I know, I have a lot of books. As I was going through them and separating them out, I have read almost all of them. So that made me feel better. I also love to light the candles on the mantle, it looks so pretty!

Last and final photo. I plan on putting a book shelf on that far wall. I can't decide if I want a tall one, or a long waist high one. We will see what I can find for cheap I guess. Any votes?
Oh, and Kim, I am thinking I want you to make me covers for the pillows. I am not a huge fan of the all brown couch, it makes the room look very dark. Any chance I can convince you to use your skills to my advantage?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Let the baking begin

I love to bake, but I really love to bake cute things. So I had a lot of fun baking all day on Saturday for Valentine's Day!

I got this recipe from my friend Kirsten. Her's looked much cuter than mine did, but that is to be expected. I still had fun baking them!

Here is a Red Velvet Cake Crumbled.

Add some Cream Cheese Frosting

And Mix

Roll them into balls, and freeze

I dunked mine in Chocolate and White Chocolate. Be warned, this was extremely messy!

And it made WAY more than I could even consider eating.

Like seriously!

And because I was being indecisive, Funfetti Cake Cookies

Now these I could eat the entire plate of!

Oh, and more indecisiveness...

I make these cookies every year. Last year I was in DC and made them with Kim. The year before I made them and sent them to Jon while he was in Iraq. Although don't ask Renee to send them to him, she ate more than she sent.

I absolutely love these!

They are just so cute I want to eat them all.

The finished product. A LOT of sweets.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The obsession continues

Yes, that is right, I went plate shopping again! I am beginning to think that having a Goodwill so close to me on my way home is going to be dangerous. Who would have thoughts?

So these are the new dinner plates. The one on the left isn't quite as big as the other 3, so I am not sure what I am considering it yet, or what I will use it for. But it was pretty.

Here is the plates from a little further back. I seriously am in love!
For some reason, bowls are impossible to find, but these bread plates are stinking everywhere. Some are also a little smaller than others, so I don't know what I am calling those either. They aren't quite small enough to be teacup plates either. They are somewhere in the middle. Oh well, it is all the fun of the mismatch anyways!
And this poor plate got left out of the above picture, so it got its own close up.
And a little closer view of the other bread plates. Some of these plates were on .50 cents too! What a steal! I get more and more excited about them the more I think about them!

If this dry spell of not being able to find bowls doesn't end soon I might be asking for some help. Don't be surprised if I ask for you to be checking your local Goodwill. But be warned, you might get addicted!