Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The joys of being an aunt

So I am bound and determined to get my Christmas shopping done by Black Friday. I hate how the prices get spiked right before Christmas, so I am trying to avoid that this year. I am pretty impressed with myself thus far! I have started on the Jackson and Cullen, I should be done with Violet (although little girl clothes are just too stinking cute to pass up), my dad is done, so all I have is Kim, my mom, grandparents, and a few friends. Well now that I list it out it doesn't sound as good as it did in my head, but at least I am making some progress.

Anyways, my point in writing is to say that part of Violet's Christmas gift came in the mail today. I would post photos, but it is part of another gift. That will make sense later on. Anyways, I can't wait to see her tomorrow and give it to her. Not that she will appreciate it. In fact, she might be kind of annoyed because it means changing her outfit. But I am such a good aunt, I just do not care. When we are putting together the slide show for her wedding she will thank me for being such a good aunt and making her look so darn adorable. Until then I will deal with her fussing when I torment her with outfit changes.

Oh how I love being an aunt!

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