Tuesday, September 21, 2010

oh how I miss Seattle...

My trip to Seattle was amazing as always. First things first... a trip to Seattle would not be complete without a trip to Emerald City Smoothie. If you know anything about me, it is that I LOVE Emerald City. Can you tell how darn excited I am? P.S. notice my way cute necklace that Katie made for me for my birthday! I know you are all jealous. I also have one in yellow!

P.P.S. Notice that I am wearing a skirt and a light sweater in Seattle! It was amazing!
Katie and Karin after we made Red Velvet Cupcakes. Katie's mom sent her the mix for Sprinkles Cupcakes, so we made them and indulged ourselves. They were very yummy despite the fact that they don't look as good as the professional ones!
Appletini anyone?
Downtown Seattle...I could not ask for better friends!
We really wanted to get some good photos, it has been so long! People must have thought we were crazy...

Karin and I

Katie and I
Notice the boots....I am so excited it is fall!

It really was perfect weather the entire time I was there. And I decided to embrace the rain, so it really didn't bother me! I got to do everything I wanted while I was there. I spent time with my cousins which is always one of my favorite things! That is also where I got introduced to the appletini. Oh, and we can't forget the Puyallup fair. The food there wasn't very good, but the SCONES made up for it. I must have looked like a complete fat kid when I was ordering them. I ordered 3 dozen. Thankfully they were not all for me. A dozen was for my cousin, and a dozen I froze to bring back to California. Hopefully they thaw well! Then I spent the weekend in Seattle and got to spend time with Katie and Karin. We shopped, crafted, walked to Seattle, and just hung out. It was so fun! And then of course, I got to fulfill some of my eating traditions, Emerald City which you already saw, and Burger Express. Next time I will have to go to Vinces. There was just not enough time. All in all, it was a great trip. I already can not wait to go back. But being back in California was much needed. Hopefully the weather stays nice and I can get some sun!


Kimberlee said...

Did you get new boots again?? I like those brown ones you're wearing, I've been hunting for a the perfect pair for nearly 3 years now. Maybe this will be my year!

KarinB said...

oh how i miss Rachel!