So I got reprimanded the other day for having a blog and not actually writing anything, so here goes nothing...
I actually only got the blog so that I could stalk my nephews. It has been working pretty well in case you were wondering. I don't view my life as very exciting, I am not married nor do I have kids, so that narrows down the topics to write about. But lately I have had the privilege of being insanely busy (by choice for the most part), in between some rather fun excursions.
Since so much time has lapsed since my last blog I will just sum up some of the more recent events.
I was in Seattle a little over a week ago. I had some vacation time that I needed to use up from work, so I planned a trip. It was a little last minute, but I almost prefer it that way. It was about 80 degrees when I left at 7 in the morning. When I landed it had to be 20 degrees cooler. So much for the shorts that I was wearing. I changed rather quickly. And added a layer or two of sweatshirts.One of the smartest things I have ever done is be there for my birthday week, I have to admit that I was rather spoiled. I got pretty much anything that I asked for, it was wonderful.
As for the being spoiled on my birthday, here are all of the glorious details. I woke up (after getting to sleep in) to get a phone call from my sister Renee telling me that SHE IS PREGNANT. For the 3 people who actually read this, I am sure you all already know that. But none the less, it was the highlight of my birthday (sorry Peter, I know you tried). After that, I was bouncing off the walls so my massage was canceled per my request, and instead we just walked around The Marina, one of my favorite places, and then headed up to Seattle. This is where I got my tour of UW, and due to dinner reservations sneaking up on us, we headed to the U District and played a rousing game of speed. I would like to announce that I won. After that we went to this cute restaurant called The Pink Door. And ate lots of garlic. Kim, you would have been soooo proud. And then off to a chocolate restaurant called The Dillitant (sp?). I really was very spoiled. And then we got to go see Katie and her husband Casey, and then my cousin Jordan. All in all it was one of the top birthdays. You have a lot to top next year Renee. Last year I got Carrie Underwood tickets, this year a new niece or nephew. You better start planning for next year.
Washington was a great vacation, as always.
I got to return to a full week of work and things to do, but I was blessed enough to get another vacation this weekend. I got to go to Palm Springs to see Peter who was down with his Aunt and Uncle watching his cousins. My mom and I drove down Friday night after I got off work. It was a great little get away. And of course seeing Peter just topped it off.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I flew back last weekend to go to Brooke and Jeff's wedding. It was a gorgeous wedding. And so much fun seeing old friends as well. And who can beat a wedding that is catered by In an Out and that has a photo booth? I will leave you all with these photos from the wedding (seeing as how I never take any myself).
Thanks Rachel! I love it!
Am I one of the three people who read your blog??? Or do we moms not count any more???
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